We are extremely excited to continue our partnership with former MLB player and current Mental Strength Coach, Brandon Guyer! Brandon has helped thousands of athletes take their mental game to the next level with his Major League Mindset Program and we want to help you be next! Signing up through VABA will give you a $497.00 discount on the next Major League Mindset Class starting this Fall!

Start date: December 14th, 2023

Duration: 8 week program that meets on Thursday night each week!

Price Point: $997.00 $500.00 (VABA Discount)

Brandon currently works with the STARS of the game on the mental side of things and he wants to help you level up! Don’t miss out on being a part of the next MLM Class & taking your game to the next level!

What you will get out of the 8 week course:

· Be able to create confidence whenever you need it, instead of relying on results for confidence

· Have more fun as you play free and loose, and consistently skyrocket your performance in games, showcases and tryouts.

· Be better equipped to handle all of the failure and adversity that is built into baseball and softball (and life!)…less of an emotional roller coaster ride!

· Overcome any fears you may have such as: the fear of failure, of making a mistake, of being embarrassed, etc. (Fear is #1 root problem for all players)

· Have set Pre-game, In-Game, and Post-Game performance routines that will stack the odds in your favor, make you a machine of consistency, and help you quickly bounce back from an error, bad call, or poor performance

· Slow the game and your mind down so that you can become the clutch player who comes through in high-pressure situations

· Unlock yourself so that you can free and loose, and shine in games just like you do in practice

· Become the BEST version of yourself ON and OFF the field, and put yourself in the BEST position to succeed every.single.pitch.

· Consistently stand out to High School, College and Professional Coaches

· Close the gap between where you are now and where you want to be. Higher highs and higher lows…ON and OFF the field.

Don’t miss out on your opportunity to take your game to the next level with one of the best! See below for what fellow Factory Athletics members had to say about the Major League Mindset Course!